A warm Welcome to all NRGs (Non-Resident Gujaratis)
We welcome you on behalf of the Surat NRG Centre. We are proud and honored by the presence of our people in different parts of the world as well as in India. We invite you to share our thrust for achievement, and our ability to maintain the momentum of growth in Gujarat. A warm welcome to all NRG (Non-Resident Gujaratis’)
Surat NRG Centre will prove to be an effective link between the people of South Gujarat and the NRG and provide detailed information for the use of both the persons of Gujarati origin living outside the country and those settled in different states of India.

Gujarat State Non-Resident Gujaratis' Foundation
The Gujarat State Non-Resident Guajaratis' Foundation (NRGF) was established to further the common interests and concerns that bind Gujaratis within and outside Gujarat; thereby develop relations that go a long way towards generating mutual benefits.
To create a world-class Gujarat by optimal utilization of knowledge, skill and resources of Global NRGs.
- Connect to Global NRGs and bring them closer to their roots.
- Make NRGs feel the belongingness to their Motherland by helping them partner in its development.
- Conceive and implement effective schemes and programs to achieve the above goals.
To create a world-class Gujarat by optimal utilization of knowledge, skill and resources of Global NRGs.
- Connect to Global NRGs and bring them closer to their roots.
- Make NRGs feel the belongingness to their Motherland by helping them partner in its development.
- Conceive and implement effective schemes and programs to achieve the above goals.